
14. - 16.05.24 – Workshop and ITEA review at Nexperia in Hamburg


From May 14th to May 16th 2024, the project partner Nexperia hosted the final project workshop and the final ITEA review of the AISSI project, which started in 2021 and officially ended by end of May 2024, at the front-end wafer-fab site in Hamburg.

The main topics of the workshop were a recap of the achieved project results and the finalization of the last deliverables, internal reports and milestones of the project. On the other hand, the face-to-face meeting enabled an open and fruitful exchange between all project partners about future dissemination and exploitation activities. In addition, ideas for potential follow-up projects were presented and discussed.

On May 16th, the consortium presented the project results to the ITEA reviewers and representatives of funding organizations as well as public authorities like e.g., Enterprise Singapore, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR). The project results and their presentation during the review were very well received by the reviewers.

Finally, the project partners came together for an evening event to celebrate the successful cooperation during the project and the results achieved within the project.