07.09.22 – FoTLog Forum Technische Logistik 2022
On September 7th, project partner SYSTEMA participated at the “Forum Technische Logistik”. This is an annually conference, hosted by the “Institut für Technische Logistik und Arbeitssysteme” of Prof. Thorsten Schmidt at TU Dresden. A more detailed dive-in into SYSTEMA’s Holistic Digital Twin and its relationship and embedding into the AISSI project has been presented by Dr. Gerhard Luhn and Johannes Postel (both SYSTEMA). The presentation was entitled „Die innovative Fabrik. Ein holistisch motivierter Modellierungsansatz der Produktionsplanung (The innovative factory. A holistically motivated modeling approach to production planning)“. The agenda of the event can be found under the following link: Programm FoTLog.